Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Baby Boomers Start Migrating to College Towns

Devalued stock portfolios, vanishing pension funds and worries about Social Security funding is spelling significant financial insecurity for some members of the baby boomer generation. But unlike their parents, who wanted to quit working and stay pu...


Why Does Everyone Lie about Social Security?

Americans hate bad news. We crave the polyannish existence that has wars, famine and financial catastrophe always occur "over there" and not in our backyard. As a result, we have lots of people who would like to keep the public in their cerebral haze...


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Getting Unstuck. Changing Your Mindset. Getting to the Next Plateau.

There is no a human who has not become stuck at some point in reaching their goals.  Those that move on and progress have uncovered ways to change their mindset. The others stay in the same place for decades, repeating the same actions, mistakes and...


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Reason Prospects Don't Want Life Insurance - Not What You Think

  People make decisions emotionally and there are a couple things we know for sure about typical human behavior: The emotion of fear trumps all other emotions for its motivational power.  Here's proof. Among Americans, 76% live paycheck ...


Saturday, December 07, 2013

Marketing vs Advising - Which is More Important in Financial Services

After graduating with a prestigious masters degree in architecture from a well-known school and spending 2 years in a large architectural firm, Stu decided to open his open architecture practice.  The business grew and two years later he took on a p...


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Proof that it is Not Possible for Most to Retire

Wall Street Says You CAN Retire There is so much talk about saving for retirement that you may come to believe it is possible, with the right habits and discipline, that a comfortable retirement is possible for everyone.  The truth is that maybe 20...


Friday, November 22, 2013

The Worst Idea You Can Have This Holiday Season

This post was contributed by David Sage of Brokerville The worst idea you can have is that you can’t do business during the holidays. The gentleman who brought me into the financial services business as a stockbroker was a huge success. On the l...


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Secondary Annuities - Higher Return Without More Risk

One technique of the rich is to supply cash to people who badly need it. Using this concept, the rich are able to make higher rerutnrs.  But aren;t these investments more risky?  Not necessarily.   Consider these two types of people T...


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Secondary Annuity Offerings

These offerings ae current as of 11/19/13 and change daily.  To to get current offerings, please fill out the form below. We continue to sell our SMAs on a first come - first served basis.  Please be aware that the green SMAs below are be...


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Reasons to Locate Your Site Visitor's Location

The best tool I have found for locating users geographic location is IP2Location.com.  I am using this service in two ways: Detecting White Page Fraud In one of my businesses I buy leads from a co-registration lead network.  These networks oper...


Friday, October 04, 2013

Living on your own or moving to a retirement community: which would be more cost-effective?

This is the million-dollar question, literally. On the one hand the idea of continuing to live where we have always lived is very appealing, though it also raises the question of “but what happens when we get very old?” On the other, the thought ...


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Accountanst Dont Understand Immediate Annuities

Accountants often look at financial decisions through a narrow point of view. Th result could be an incorrect conclusion or bad advice. This is not uncommon with annuities and accountants' analysis.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

How Could Bank Closures Affect The Elderly

Recent announcements have confirmed that approximately 6,000 bank branches are set to be closed due to the rise of online banking – but just how could this affect the elderly? According to a report on the Daily Express, the closures could transl...


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Top Producers Don't Focus on Results

Everyone inherits the conversations (aka beliefs) of his own culture.  Many of these conversations are so much taken for granted, we don’t stop to question them or even notice them.  An example is the belief, "money doesn't grow on trees."  In o...


Friday, September 13, 2013

You Advise People About Their Money – But You're Broke!

There's the old joke about financial advisors who come to the office by bus to advise clients who come to meet in their Mercedes. If we had as criteria that individuals who advise others would need to be financially successful themselves, how many...


Saturday, August 31, 2013

Many People Hang Up on You and Rightly So

"My name is....." "Hi Mr. Smith, my name is........" Most every sales call or appointment-setting call in America starts this way--the WRONG way. Sales people and business owners think it's so important to tell the caller their name. But the c...


Monday, August 26, 2013

Henry Ford Would Have Been a Rich Financial Advisor

Project vs Process Henry Ford is credited with mastering use of the assembly line concept.  In other words, Henry converted machine assembly, which was previously done on a project basis, to a process.  We would not think of manufacturing now in...


Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Financial Guest Blogger

opportunity for financial writers and financial guest bloggers to get exposure and back links from well-known site


Friday, March 15, 2013

Credit Report Errors--The Ultimate Fix for the Frustrated

The typical advice to contact creditor bureaus does not work for millions and that is the problem. The credit bureaus simply report what the creditors tell them to report. When a consumer complains, the bureaus simply confirm the same incorrect information with the creditors. And millions of consumers get stuck at this point, having no leverage to get the creditors to fix errors. 60 Minutes showed how their reporter, Steve Croft, got nowhere using the typical, ineffective advice to write the credit bureaus. Here is a solution that works and how I got AMEX and Citicorp to change their errors after they refused. The leverage is with the creditors and using small claims court gets their attention every time and is very inexpensive: http://disputeyourcreditreport.us/ebook


Turned Down for Life Insurance? – Here’s What to Do