Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Accountanst Dont Understand Immediate Annuities

Accountants often look at financial decisions through a narrow point of view. Th result could be an incorrect conclusion or bad advice. This is not uncommon with annuities and accountants' analysis.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

How Could Bank Closures Affect The Elderly

Recent announcements have confirmed that approximately 6,000 bank branches are set to be closed due to the rise of online banking – but just how could this affect the elderly? According to a report on the Daily Express, the closures could transl...

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Top Producers Don't Focus on Results

Everyone inherits the conversations (aka beliefs) of his own culture.  Many of these conversations are so much taken for granted, we don’t stop to question them or even notice them.  An example is the belief, "money doesn't grow on trees."  In o...

Friday, September 13, 2013

You Advise People About Their Money – But You're Broke!

There's the old joke about financial advisors who come to the office by bus to advise clients who come to meet in their Mercedes. If we had as criteria that individuals who advise others would need to be financially successful themselves, how many...